Three students walking down the Avenue

To report an emergency call 911, then 公共安全 at 812-535-6400. 在校园里,拨分机6400.



拉响火警警报 位于每个走廊的尽头. Note: Residents should acquaint themselves with the locations of these 报警 boxes.

  1. 拨打911 和 communicate the exact location of the fire.
  2. 拨打公共安全电话. 6400

Alarms will be sounded 和 the building is to be evacuated totally. If weather conditions or time warrant, occupants will be sent to another building.

  • If you are in a room close the window
  • If there is smoke use a wet towel to breathe
  • 离开房间,关上门
  • Use stairwells, do not use the elevator
  • 如果火灾发生在门外,请留在靠近窗户的房间里,以便消防员能够找到你

每栋楼都有一个指示报警器或探测器被触发位置的防火面板. 公共安全部门将前往指定地点核实是否确实发生火灾,如果出现危险情况,将通知消防部门.





  • Occupants will be directed by 公共安全, resident assistants or staff members to the lowest 和 centermost floor of a building.
  • 在危险过去和公共安全发出安全警报之前,不要让任何人离开大楼


如果需要救护车,请拨911 和 identify yourself 和 your specific location on campus.

  • 打电话给公共安全部门,告诉他们你已经叫了救护车,这样他们就可以协助指挥应急小组.
  • 如果是受伤的学生,应通知随叫随到的宿舍助理.
  • If it is a staff or faculty member, the Director of 人力资源 should be notified.


If an earthquake should occur, individuals should follow these instructions:

  • Stay calm 和 assess your situation; if you are inside, stay inside; if you are outside, 呆在外面.
  • 如果在室内,躲在沉重的书桌、桌子下,躲在有支撑的门口,或者躲在内墙旁边. Do not exit the room, hall or building until after the shaking has stopped.
  • If outside, stay away from buildings 和 utility wires.
  • 不要使用蜡烛或明火.
  • 如果在行驶中的车辆中,应尽快停车,待在车内直到震动停止.

在震动平息之后, persons should exit the building/vehicle 和 seek medical care 如果有必要的话. Please be aware that additional tremors are likely.



  • Notify 公共安全 immediately of the specific location of the armed individual.
  • 在收到公共安全或执法人员的指示之前,不要接近该人并使自己和其他人远离该区域.


  • If a building is locked down 和 secured, 公共安全人员和指定的学院人员将对大楼内的人员作出指示.
  • 将发送文本警报和标记为紧急的电子邮件,告知社区采取必要措施防止与入侵者和/或执法部门互动.



  • Occupants will be directed to evacuate the building
  • 我们会联系执法部门
  • Occupants may be directed to another building for shelter until the threat has been neutralized


If you are the victim of a sexual assault, protect yourself using whatever means necessary.

  • 在逃避 拨打911
  • 向公共安全部门或居民助理报告攻击澳门威尼斯人备用网址,并尽可能多地提供有关攻击者的信息. 我们会联系执法部门.
  • 公共安全 will see that the victim is safe 和 如果有必要的话 will contact medical services.
  • 通知第九条协调员, Kari沃尔夫 or BJ莱利, if you witness or receive information that a sexual assault has occurred.

无骚扰环境政策 (包括当你受到性侵犯或性骚扰时如何提出投诉的资料)




  • If a death occurs on campus, notify 公共安全 immediately.
  • 如果从外部来源收到死亡通知,应联系以下人员:学生事务助理副校长, 负责学术事务的副校长 和 the President.

Death or Severe Illness of Relative of Student

If you receive information from a family member, 你要通知学生事务助理副校长或学术事务副校长. 通常,家庭成员希望有工作人员通知学生这个消息,或者至少希望有人在他们收到消息时与学生在一起. 澳门威尼斯人备用网址工作人员,包括RA和RCA(掩护工作人员)将跟进支持.



To report a crime, contact the SMWC 公共安全 Department by calling 812-535-6400. When using a campus phone, use 6400 to reach 公共安全. For medical emergencies or in the case of a fire, dial 9-1-1 before contacting 公共安全. Any suspicious activity or person seen in the parking lots or loitering around vehicles, 建筑物内, or around the residence hall should be reported to 公共安全. In addition, you may report a crime to the following areas:

Associate Vice President for Student Affairs乐费尔大厅018号812-535-5219

圣玛丽森林学院鼓励任何知道校园内外犯罪的人举报. In order to maximize safety on campus 和 to aid in prompt investigations, please report to the 公共安全 Department any incident that may qualify as homicide (murder, non-negligent 和 negligent manslaughter); sex offenses (forcible, non-forcible); robbery; aggravated assault; burglary; motor vehicle theft; arson; 和 any hate crime for inclusion in the Annual Campus Security Report. Reporting does not mean you must take legal action. 它可能, 然而, 协助公共安全人员制止进一步的澳门威尼斯人备用网址,并向社会通报犯罪活动.

To make a report in person, go to the 公共安全 office or the Campus Life office. The 公共安全 office is located on the ground floor of Le Fer Hall, room 032 across from the Campus Life office, 在027房间. 要用电话报告,请打电话 812-535-6400 和 describe the situation to the officer. In emergency situations, including fires 和 medical emergencies, call 911. If another person is available, ask them to call 公共安全 at 812-535-6400 提醒他们注意911紧急情况,并尽可能多地告诉他们有关紧急情况的细节.

需要非紧急医疗服务的圣玛丽伍德学院学生可与健康服务诊所联系,电话 812-535-5200 (ext. 5200 on campus) to receive medical care or a referral to an outside provider. 学生 seeking counseling services may contact the Counseling office at 812-535-5102 (ext. 5102在校园内).


如果你是犯罪的受害者,不想追究学院系统或刑事司法系统的行动, you may still want to consider making a confidential report. 如果你允许,公共安全部门可以代表你提交一份关于澳门威尼斯人备用网址细节的报告. The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with your wish to keep the matter confidential, while taking steps to ensure the future safety of yourself 和 others. 有了这些信息, the College can keep an accurate record of the number of incidents involving students, determine where there is a pattern of crime with regard to a particular location, 方法或攻击者, 和 alert the campus community to potential danger. 以这种方式提交的报告被统计并在该机构的年度犯罪统计中披露.

公共安全 Response to a Crime Report

When you report a crime to the 公共安全 Office, 一名警官将会见你, 听听发生了什么, 和, 如果有必要的话, 做初步报告. 他们也可能会要求你与澳门威尼斯人备用网址工作人员或执法人员交谈. They will advise you if there is anything further that you need to do. In the case where charges are pressed with the local police or sheriff, you may be asked to sign an arrest warrant.

即使您不想采取法律行动,我们也鼓励您举报任何犯罪活动,以帮助我们保持准确的统计记录. 澳门威尼斯人备用网址部负责准备学院的年度校园安全报告,并从公共安全处获取该报告中包含的犯罪统计数据. 如果运营副校长认为情况需要采取此类行动,您报告的信息可能会要求学院发布犯罪警报.

Reporting Off-Campus Crimes 和 Other Emergencies


公共安全 officers can assist in notifying law enforcement agencies.

联系 the Office of 公共安全